The Pendleton School District has received the 2023-2024 state assessment results from the Oregon Department of Education. The Statewide Assessment System (SBAC) includes summative assessments administered annually, as required by the State and Federal Departments of Education. These assessments are given to students in grades 3 – 8 and 11 in the areas of math, language arts and science.
Scores improved from the previous year in 9 of the 17 areas tested, specifically in the following grades and subjects: grade 3 math, grade 3 language arts, grade 4 math, grade 4 language arts, grade 7 math, grade 8 language arts, grade 11 science, grade 11 math and grade 11 language arts.
The highest gains are in grade 11 language arts with a 19.9% increase in the number of students meeting the achievement standards, grade 8 language arts with an 11.6% increase and grade 7 math with an 11.8% increase.
The areas where test results dropped by 5% or more were grade 5 science, grade 5 math, grade 5 language arts, and grade 6 math.
PSD administrators, teachers and staff continually work toward academic improvement and success for all students in all areas. The district will dive deeper into the test results in the coming weeks to identify specific areas which may need a more focused effort.
“Although we’d like to see improvement and growth in all areas, we are encouraged by these preliminary results. These improvements in nine areas, some very significant, validates all the hard work our staff do each day to educate every student, every day.” -Kevin Headings, Superintendent
“We appreciate the support from families and students who participate in these assessments. The results of these assessments provide feedback to our teachers and administrators to help identify where our greatest needs are.” – Matt Yoshioka, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Detailed state, district and school results may be found at:
GO-STEM Hub Visit at Sherwood Elementary
/in District Site News, Sherwood School News /by rthornburgPendleton School District Superintendent Announces Resignation
/in District Site News, News - District & All Schools /by rthornburgPendleton School District Superintendent Kevin Headings announced he will not look to extend his contract past the 24-25 school year and will resign effective June 30, 2025. Headings was hired as Superintendent of Pendleton School District in April of 2022. He signed a three-year contract through June 2025.
Headings said upon being hired, he was thrilled with this new chapter in his life and excited about the opportunity to lead Pendleton School District as superintendent. Headings said he’s pleased with what’s been accomplished during his time as superintendent and positive with the direction the school district is headed.
However, while Headings said he was excited with the new opportunity and the progress of the district overall, he realized over time that his heart is still in working as a building principal. “I’m pleased with our work around improving instruction and making our buildings safe for our students and staff and I’m confident with the direction the district is headed. I look forward to finishing out the year strong.” Headings said, “But I’ve realized, over the past year and a half or so, that my heart just isn’t in it. I kept thinking it would change, but it really hasn’t. I’ve been a principal in several different districts and superintendent in two. Working as a building principal with daily interactions with teachers, staff, students and parents is truly where my heart and passion are,” Headings said.
Headings said he is grateful for his time in Pendleton and for the opportunity the Pendleton School District afforded me. He has enjoyed getting to know the people of Pendleton, working with the various staff in the district, and working with the school board, he said.
Welcome to PSD – Jillian Samp
/in District Site News, Sherwood School News /by rthornburgJillian Samp
4th Grade Teacher
Sherwood Heights Elementary School
Jillian was born in Pendleton and has lived here all her life. She graduated from Pendleton High School in 2020.
She attended Eastern Oregon University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) and a Bachelor of Science degree in Multidisciplinary Studies.
About working in the Pendleton School District, Jillian said, “I’m super excited to be back in my hometown teaching and getting to teach with some amazing teachers in our district.”
In her free time, Jillian loves to spend time with her family and her dog, Scout.
Sherwood Elementary Focuses on 24-25 Year
/in District Site News, Sherwood School News /by rthornburgSherwood Heights Elementary has a new Principal and new Assistant Principal for the 2024-25 school year. Principal TJ Presley was previously the Assistant Principal. The school’s new Assistant Principal is Faith Lindley. They are focusing on these goals this year:
Presley said staff and student safety has always been a priority, but this year, in addition to the standard monthly drills for fire and lockdowns, the staff is emphasizing active supervision. This means adults have high awareness and move around when supervising students inside the building and on the playground. “We have 450 students in our school to monitor so we want people to say something if they see something unsafe so we can address it,” Presley said.
Goal number two is geared toward developing a fun, positive atmosphere where academic and social emotional growth are happening daily. Presley said Sherwood has a great staff to work with. The school’s leadership team, including himself, Lindley, Lisa Roberts, Child Development Specialist, and Taylor Wilson, Behavior Specialist, collaborate to develop a positive school climate.
To further academic growth this year, the school added 10 minutes of extra time to reading and math skills. In addition to Sherwood’s strong teachers and 17 dedicated paraprofessionals, other adults are supporting learning. Volunteers from Altrusa of Pendleton are at Sherwood every week to help students with literacy, students from Eastern Oregon University are providing support in classrooms and some students from Pendleton High School are volunteering in second grade. “Growth is happening,” Presley said.
Head Secretary Amy Kline said Sherwood’s new administrative team is great to work with and supportive of the staff. Every new school year, Kline said, “it’s always fun to see the kids grow into a new grade.” Rhonda Daggett, the school’s Assistant Secretary, said the start of the year has gone smoothly, and she looks forward to seeing the students who struggle realize success throughout the year.
Here’s to a great year, Sherwood Spurs!
To read more about Sherwood Heights Elementary, visit their website at or find them on Facebook and Instagram.
Welcome to PSD – Alexis Keene
/in District Site News, Sherwood School News /by rthornburgAlexis Keene
Special Education Teacher
Sherwood Heights Elementary School
Alexis grew up in Pendleton. She attended Washington Elementary and then Helix School District for middle and high school.
She attended Western Governors University to earn a bachelor’s degree in Special Education Mild-to-Moderate.
What is Alexis most excited about working in the Pendleton School District? “To continue to work with my Sherwood team and to support students as they achieve & succeed at their learning & life skill goals.”
In her free time, she likes to spend time with family & friends, especially if it involves fly fishing, hiking, baking, or going out for frozen yogurt or sushi.
FACT Oregon in Umatilla County
/in News - District & All Schools /by rthornburgFACT Oregon is coming to Umatilla County October 15-17, 2024.
Pendleton School District is Seeking Applicants for Vacant School Board Position
/in News - District & All Schools /by rthornburgDistrict Seeking Applicants for Vacant School Board Position
Pendleton – Due to a recent vacancy, the Pendleton School District is seeking applicants for Position 3 on the Pendleton School Board; 3 years remain on this term. Applicants must be legally registered voters who currently reside and will have resided within the district boundaries for one year immediately before the appointment.
Please submit applications no later than October 30, 2024, to the Pendleton School District Office at 107 NW 10th Street, or they may be emailed to Ronda Thornburg – Board Secretary
Application letters should include:
Address the following:
Should you have any questions, you may email Patrick Gregg, Board Chair.
2023-24 State Assessment Results
/in District Site News, News - District & All Schools /by rthornburgThe Pendleton School District has received the 2023-2024 state assessment results from the Oregon Department of Education. The Statewide Assessment System (SBAC) includes summative assessments administered annually, as required by the State and Federal Departments of Education. These assessments are given to students in grades 3 – 8 and 11 in the areas of math, language arts and science.
Scores improved from the previous year in 9 of the 17 areas tested, specifically in the following grades and subjects: grade 3 math, grade 3 language arts, grade 4 math, grade 4 language arts, grade 7 math, grade 8 language arts, grade 11 science, grade 11 math and grade 11 language arts.
The highest gains are in grade 11 language arts with a 19.9% increase in the number of students meeting the achievement standards, grade 8 language arts with an 11.6% increase and grade 7 math with an 11.8% increase.
The areas where test results dropped by 5% or more were grade 5 science, grade 5 math, grade 5 language arts, and grade 6 math.
PSD administrators, teachers and staff continually work toward academic improvement and success for all students in all areas. The district will dive deeper into the test results in the coming weeks to identify specific areas which may need a more focused effort.
“Although we’d like to see improvement and growth in all areas, we are encouraged by these preliminary results. These improvements in nine areas, some very significant, validates all the hard work our staff do each day to educate every student, every day.” -Kevin Headings, Superintendent
“We appreciate the support from families and students who participate in these assessments. The results of these assessments provide feedback to our teachers and administrators to help identify where our greatest needs are.” – Matt Yoshioka, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Detailed state, district and school results may be found at:
Orange Shirt Day
/in News - District & All Schools /by rthornburgSeptember 27, 2024
PSD Families,
Monday, September 30th, is the National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools. This day has become known as “Orange Shirt Day” along with the mantra “Every Child Matters.” This is a message that honors the lives of our Indigenous children who have been lost and symbolizes the importance of every child.
On Monday, September 30th, the Pendleton School District will recognize this day by encouraging our students and staff to wear the color orange as a sign of our support. The Pendleton School District is dedicated to honoring the interests and values of all children by creating school environments that help them feel valued, respected, and safe. Thank you for all you do to bless the lives of your children, our students. It takes the whole community to keep our kids safe, valued, and cared for.
Kevin Headings – PSD Superintendent
Back-to-School Message
/in News - District & All Schools /by rthornburg