Grab and go meals (breakfast/lunch) to resume September 1 for Pendleton School District students. Meals to be provided via curbside pick-up Monday through Friday from 12 – 1:30 pm and September 8 via rural bus stops from 12 – 1 pm at the locations listed in the table below. PSD students/families may pick up meals from any of the listed sites. Information collected at the site will be the student’s assigned school, student’s name, and lunch number.
Please note that the USDA Summer Food Service Program waiver expires August 31, 2020 and the District is required to operate under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) rules effective September 1. Under NSLP rules, the District can only serve meals to enrolled PSD students and must charge for breakfast and lunch unless a student qualifies for free and reduced meal benefits (**See note below). New for the 2020/21 school year, the District will be implementing an option for the Pendleton Early Learning Center and all of our elementary schools called Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). What this means is that all K-5 students in the Pendleton SD are eligible to receive breakfast and lunch at no charge.
Grab and Go Curbside Pick-Up
Begins September 1 |
Bus Stop Locations
Begins September 8 |
(Breakfast/lunch at no charge for students K-5)
Students/Families may pick-up meals from any school listed below regardless of which school they attend.
· Pendleton Early Learning Center
· McKay Elementary
· Sherwood Elementary
· Washington Elementary
· Sunridge Middle School
· Pendleton High School
· CTUIR Rec Center via PSD Food Truck |
(Breakfast/lunch at no charge for students K-5)
· Adams – Baseball Field Bus Stop
· Cayuse – Cayuse & River Bus Stop
· Meacham – Post Office Bus Stop
· Reith – George & Main Bus Stop |
The State of Oregon has submitted a request for a waiver to USDA to resume meal services under the Summer Food Service Program rules, which would allow the District to continue to serve meals to children and teenagers 18 and younger at no cost to families. In the event the waiver is granted, families will be notified immediately.