The Pendleton School District knows that staff, students and their families have been affected by the catastrophic flooding over the past few days. Below is some information that may be helpful:
Register — All families displaced by the flood need to register with the Red Cross Station located at the Pendleton Convention Center. CAPECO and Red Cross will help with livability assessments to determine needs for housing assistance. or
Document Everything! — take pictures of damages before cleaning up to document for Oregon and Federal Emergency Management Assistance.
Supplies Available — the Red Cross, Salvation Army and Altrusa’s Kids At Risk Empowered (KARE) stand ready to provide replacements for clothing, bedding, toiletries and hygiene supplies. We ask that families get aid from Red Cross and Salvation Army and then let school counselors know what remaining needs they have for KARE.
Free & Reduced Lunch — families who will be displaced long term or permanently may qualify for the Free & Reduced Lunch program. Contact your school counselor for more information.
Contacts — key contacts at schools are Counselors and Principals. If you need additional assistance, call or email Julie Smith, Director of Special Programs, 541-966-3262,