PSD Superintendent Kevin Headings will begin his new job on July 1, 2022. Here is some information about him, his vision for the district, and more.
What job do you currently have?
I am the Principal of West Park Elementary School in the Hermiston School District, a job I have had for the past nine years.
Where did you work before?
I worked for eight years in the Stanfield School District, including four years as a Principal and four years as the Superintendent.
I left Stanfield because I missed being in the building with students and working directly with teachers.
How do you feel about your new job at PSD?
I am very thrilled to get this job! I am very much looking forward to working here and making a difference for Pendleton students.
What is your vision for Pendleton School District?
I will follow my core values for education as I begin my work here. Those are:
- Provide students the best opportunities for academic and social-emotional success, including various opportunities to learn and access their education.
- Involve parents in their child’s education and ensure that parents and families feel their schools are warm and welcoming.
- Focus on the most important relationship, which is the one in the classroom between teachers and students, and strengthen and improve it whenever possible.
I embrace the Les Schwab model of customer service, which is consistent, exceptional service, earning the trust of your stakeholders, and valuing partnership.
What are your goals as you begin?
What I love about PSD is that three of my educational core values that I mentioned are in the current Strategic Plan. Being committed to that plan and its strengths and using our metrics every day to track our progress will help us do what we do even better.
Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in Lebanon, Oregon. My father was a Mennonite pastor, and my mother was a nurse.
Can you tell us a little about your own family?
I am married, my wife is a nurse, and we have three children. Our daughter and son-in-law teach in the Hermiston School District, our son goes to college at BMCC and EOU, and our youngest daughter will be a senior at Hermiston High School. We currently live in Echo.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I am a pilot and have my own Cessna 210, a single-engine, four-person airplane. I love to fly and am also an avid cyclist.
How do you feel about Pendleton?
My wife and I have enjoyed coming to Pendleton for several years. We enjoy the entertainment and the dining options. The people in Pendleton have always been so warm and friendly. There’s nothing that matches Pendleton’s uniqueness and historical traditions. We really like Pendleton!

Welcome, Superintendent Headings!