I wish I had something to share for our seniors and parents, but as of this morning, we are still in a wait and see pattern. Here is a summary of what has and hasn’t happened to date regarding our seniors.
- A revised draft of graduation requirements for the class of 2020 has been presented to Superintendents across the state.
- It was initially thought these would be released this week. At 4:52 am this morning Superintendents were notified that this “Pathways to Graduation” document as it is being referenced is still in the vetting process at the state level.
- No decisions have been made whether school will resume sooner than April 29th, on the 29th, closed longer than the 29th or closed for the remainder of the year.
- The Oregon Department of Education has requested individual school districts to refrain from pursuing any form of waiver for instructional time until item #3 is addressed.
So what does all of this mean? It means the following questions cannot be answered at this time.
- Will graduation be on May 30th?
- Will graduation be moved to another date?
- Will the school year be extended?
- What do seniors need to do in order to graduate?
- What will the graduation ceremony look like?
When we are notified of changes that will answer these and other questions, we will disseminate information as quickly as we can.
I encourage all of us to focus on those things we can control. Ensure your students are engaged with the resources we have and will be providing during the closure. Find time to exercise and be outdoors to the extent that executive orders allow.