Returning Students and Families:
Certainly, we are not opening school in the manner that we had all hoped. So again, thank you for your patience as we have worked through the pandemic. It has not been easy on anyone as we have navigated through the multitude of changes to guidelines for reopening. If you haven’t already done so, you need to visit both the district and your child’s web pages for the latest information on school reopening. All schools in the district will begin calling families next week to welcome you back and confirm some basic contact information. On our district website, we have a parent resource page containing information and tutorials to assist parents in accessing their student’s Google Classroom work, among other things. Over the summer, the district has also converted to a new student information system. Coming soon is a feature called “ParentVUE,” which will allow parents to keep up with student progress in real-time.
Office staff is back in all of our buildings now, so I encourage you to contact your child’s school between 8 am and 3:30 pm with any questions about the start of the school year.
New Students to Pendleton:
New students and families to Pendleton for the 2020-2021 school year will need to complete a registration packet. Currently, we do not have online registration. However, you can go to our website,, under the “Our Schools” tab, click on “Parent Resources” and you will see a link for Registration Forms. You can either download the registration materials or pick up packets at the District Office at 107 NW 10th Avenue or your child’s school. For elementary families, if you are not sure of your child’s resident school, you can find our boundary map at this link,
Soft Start for Grades 1-12:
All buildings will conduct a “soft start” the week of August 31st. This year this will be conducted via a “drive-thru” line. Students will receive a Chromebook, login codes, tip sheets, instructions, and their class schedule. In some cases, additional resources will also be included. Once students receive the aforementioned resources, they should log in to their Google accounts to ensure everything is in working order. Parents should do the same. We will have a tech “hotline” to assist students and parents with login and technical questions. I encourage parents to reference the “Parent Resource” page on our website frequently, If you have questions about specifics of the Soft Start, please contact the school directly.
Soft Start for the PELC:
Soft start for the PELC will occur on Friday, August 28th, and Monday, August 31st. A letter with the specifics will be going out to all kindergarten families by Wednesday, August 19th. If you have not received the letter by August 24th, you should contact the PELC directly at 541.966.3300. Parents/students will receive an iPad, instructions, materials, and supplies at the soft start.