Superintendent Message, March 23, 2020 @ 9:30 am
First, the good news. Our teachers and support staff have assembled several weeks of supplemental work that your children can be engaged with during this state of emergency. I want to thank all of our teachers and support staff for their work and the short window of time they were given to get it organized and posted for your convenience. You can access all materials and links by going to our website at
The District Office will be open this week (or until an executive order by the Governor or President prohibits us from doing so) to parents to come in and pick up packets for pre-K thru grade 8. We still have some Chromebooks that parents can check-out for their children. There is no fee to check-out the Chromebooks, we just expect them to be returned once we return to school. Currently, we are using a 1:2 program for the Chromebooks, which means one Chromebook for every 2 students in a household. Parents need to sign a use agreement upon check-out. All students should know their login usernames and passwords.
Meals will continue to be served all week and throughout our emergency closure from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm at the following locations, the PELC, Washington Elementary and the Recreation Center at CTUIR. Meals will remain “Grab n Go”, however, Sodexo will attempt to provide some hot meals. Parents are allowed to pick up meals for their children.
Finally, not so good news. On Friday afternoon we were hopeful that the Oregon Department of Education with the Governor’s approval would be providing clarity for the Class of 2020 sometime today. I have been informed this morning that any announcement maybe a day or more away. Please be assured, once we get the approved plan from ODE we will be contacting families and students in the Class of 2020 to explain the specifics of the graduation plan for them. I wish I had more to share.
Thank you for your continued support. We are the Pendleton School District, together, we are committed to every student every day!