Effective January 14, 2022, the Pendleton School District will be limiting spectators for all activity and athletic events until further notice. The move is in response to the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in Umatilla County. Cases in the county the week of December 12, 2021 numbered 87. For the week of January 2, 2022, the number of cases reported exceeded 1,000.
During this time, participants, at the high school level*, will receive six (6) tickets for each contest to give to selected family members or friends of their choice. Admission will require a ticket and a face covering. Face coverings will be provided for those who have lost or forgotten theirs. There will be no admission fee for those attending. Spectators will need to abide by all face covering and distancing rules that have been in place the last several months.
We were hopeful that our pre-holiday rates would continue to drop into the new year; unfortunately, that did not happen. In fact, our county numbers appear to be at all-time highs. Once case rates subside and begin returning to the pre-holiday rates, we will consider modifying this and other practices.
Until then, we must do everything within our power to protect the health and safety of our students and staff, which includes minimizing their exposure to the COVID virus during school hours and during school events.
*At the middle school level, up to six family members are allowed per participant.